tx_sig string. The transaction signature as base-58 encoded string.
object optional. Configuration object containing the following fields:
commitment string. The level of commitment required for the query. The options include:
finalized string. The node will query the most recent block confirmed by the supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized.
confirmed string. The node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by the supermajority of the cluster.
processed string. The node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may not be complete.
maxSupportedTransactionVersion integer. The maximum transaction version to return in responses. If the requested block contains a transaction with a higher version, an error will be returned. If this parameter is omitted, only legacy transactions will be returned, and a block containing any versioned transaction will prompt an error.
result Null if the specified block is not confirmed otherwise RpcResponse JSON object with the following fields:
blockTime The estimated production time, as Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch). It's null if not available.
meta The transaction status metadata object, which contains additional information about the block and its transactions. The meta object can be null, or it may contain the following fields:
err Error code if the transaction failed or null if the transaction succeeds.
fee The total fees paid by all transactions in the block encoded as u64 integer.
innerInstructions An array of objects representing the inner instructions of all transactions in the block (omitted if inner instruction recording is not enabled). Each object has the following fields:
index The index of the instruction in the transaction, which determines the order in which the operations were executed.
instructions An array of instructions that were executed in the block's transactions.
parsed An array of parsed instructions that were executed in the block's transactions.
info An array of information objects that provide additional details about the transactions in the block.
lamports The number of lamports assigned to this account as u64 (64-bit unsigned integer).
newAccount The new account created as part of the transaction.
owner The base-58 encoded Pubkey of the program this account has been assigned to.
source The source account that funded the transaction.
space The amount of storage space required to store a specific transaction.
type The type of the block. It can be used to differentiate between regular blocks and special blocks such as snapshot or transaction confirmation blocks.
program The data associated with the program that was executed in the block's transactions.
programId The ID of the program that executed the instruction.
stackHeight The current depth of the execution stack.
logMessages An array of strings containing any log messages generated by the block's transactions (omitted if inner instruction recording is not enabled).
postBalances An array of lamport balances for each account in the block after the transactions were processed.
postTokenBalances An array of token balances for each token account in the block after the transactions were processed (omitted if inner instruction recording is not enabled).
accountIndex The index of an account within a transaction.
mint Provides information about the creation of new tokens.
owner The base-58 encoded Pubkey of the program this account has been assigned to.
uiTokenAmount The amount of a token transfer in a human-readable format.
amount The amount of a token transfer.
decimals The number of decimal places used by the token.
uiAmount The amount of a token transfer in the smallest unit of the token.
uiAmountString The amount of a token transfer as a string with the appropriate number of decimal places for the token.
preBalances An array of lamport balances for each account in the block before the transactions were processed.
preTokenBalances An array of token balances for each token account in the block before the transactions were processed (omitted if inner instruction recording is not enabled).
accountIndex The index of an account within a transaction.
mint Provides information about the creation of new tokens.
owner The base-58 encoded Pubkey of the program this account has been assigned to.
uiTokenAmount The amount of a token transfer in a human-readable format.
amount The amount of a token transfer.
decimals The number of decimal places used by the token.
uiAmount The amount of a token transfer in the smallest unit of the token.
uiAmountString The amount of a token transfer as a string with the appropriate number of decimal places for the token.
rewards An object containing information about the rewards earned by the block's validators (only present if the rewards are requested).
status The status of the transaction. If the transaction was successful, returns Ok and if the transaction failed with TransactionError, returns Err.
slot The slot number to retrieve block production information.
transaction The transaction object. It could be either JSON format or encoded binary data, depending on the encoding parameter.
message An array of transactions included in the block.
accountKeys An array of public keys associated with the accounts that were accessed during the execution of transactions in the block.
pubkey The Pubkey of program encoded as base-58 string.
signer Used to sign transactions in the block. Also used to identify the signers involved in the block's transactions and to verify the authenticity of the signatures.
source The source account that funded the transaction.
writable A boolean value that indicates whether the accounts associated with the given public keys were modified by the transactions or not.
instructions An array of instructions that were executed in the block's transactions.
parsed An array of parsed instructions that were executed in the block's transactions.
info An array of information objects that provide additional details about the transactions in the block.
account An address on the Solana blockchain that is used to store assets.
mint Provides information about the creation of new tokens.
source The source account that funded the transaction.
systemProgram The system program that executed the transaction.
tokenProgram Responsible for maintaining the supply and balance of the token, and for executing transfers of the token between accounts.
wallet Wallet is used for managing and storing assets.
type The type of the block. It can be used to differentiate between regular blocks and special blocks such as snapshot or transaction confirmation blocks.
program The data associated with the program that was executed in the block's transactions.
programId The ID of the program that executed the instruction.
recentBlockhash The recent block hash for the account's cluster.
signatures The list of transaction signatures contained within a particular block.
version The transaction version. It's undefined if maxSupportedTransactionVersion is not set in the requested parameters.