The getParsedBlock method is only supported with the @solana/web3.js SDK. To use cURL or, check out the getBlock method examples where the encoding is set to jsonParsed.
slot_number string. The slot number encoded as u64, 64-bit unsigned integer.
object optional. Configuration object containing the following fields:
commitment string. The level of commitment required for the query. The options include:
finalized string.
The node will query the most recent block confirmed by the supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized.
confirmed string.
The node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by the supermajority of the cluster.
processed string.
The node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may not be complete.
encoding string. (default: json) The encoding format for account data. It can be one of base58 (slow), base64, base64+zstd or jsonParsed.
transactionDetails string (default: full). It specifies the level of transaction details to include in the response. The possible values are full, signatures, and none.
rewards boolean (default: true) It determines whether to populate the rewards array or not.
maxSupportedTransactionVersion boolean. The maximum transaction version to return in responses. If the requested block contains a transaction with a higher version, an error will be returned. If this parameter is omitted, only legacy transactions will be returned, and a block containing any versioned transaction will prompt an error.
legacy boolean. The older transaction format with no additional benefit.
0 boolean. The additional support for Address Lookup Tables.
result object. Null if the account doesn't exist otherwise RpcResponse JSON object with the following fields:
blockhash. The hash of the block encoded as base-58 string.
previousBlockhash. The blockhash of this block's parent encoded as base-58 string.
parentSlot. The slot number of this block's parent.
transactions. An array of transaction objects within the block. Each transaction object contains the following fields:
meta. The transaction status metadata object with the following fields:
err. Error code if the transaction failed or null if the transaction succeeds.
fee. The total fees paid by all transactions in the block encoded as u64 integer.
innerInstructions. The list of inner instructions and it's omitted or null if inner instruction recording was not yet enabled during the transaction.
loadedAddresses The list of loaded addresses objects.
readonly The ordered list of base-58 encoded addresses for readonly loaded accounts.
writable The ordered list of base-58 encoded addresses for writable loaded accounts.
logMessages. An array of string log messages. Omitted or null if log message recording was not yet enabled during the transaction
postBalances. An array of lamport balances for each account in the block after the transactions were processed.
postTokenBalances. The list of token balances from after the transaction was processed and it's omitted if inner instruction recording was not yet enabled during the transaction
preBalances. An array of lamport balances for each account in the block before the transactions were processed.
preTokenBalances. The list of token balances from before the transaction was processed and it's omitted if inner instruction recording was not yet enabled during the transaction
rewards. An array of reward objects detailing the rewards for this block. It is only present if rewards are requested; an array of JSON objects with the following fields:
pubkey. The public key of the account that received the award encoded as base-58 string.
lamports. The number of reward lamports credited or debited by the account.
postBalance. The account balance in lamports after the reward was applied.
rewardType. The type of reward. It could be fee, rent, voting, staking.
commission. The vote account commission when the reward was credited, only present for voting and staking rewards.
status. The status of the transaction. It returns Ok if the transaction was successful and Err if the transaction failed with TransactionError.
transaction. The transaction object with the following fields:
message. The transaction message containing the following fields:
accountKeys. An array of public keys involved in the transaction.
header An object containing the transaction's header, including the following fields:
numRequiredSignatures The number of required signatures for the transaction.
numReadonlySignedAccounts The number of readonly accounts that have signed the transaction.
numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts The number of readonly accounts that have not signed the transaction.
instructions. An array of instruction objects for the transaction with the following fields:
accounts An array of integers representing the indices of accounts involved in the instruction.
data The instruction data encoded in the specified format.
programIdIndex The index of the program ID in the accountKeys.
recentBlockhash. The most recent blockhash used for the transaction
signatures. An array of signatures strings corresponding to the transaction order in the block.