object - Object - The transaction call object with the following fields:
from - String - The address the transaction is sent from
to - String - Required - The address the transaction is directed to
gas - Integer - The integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
gasPrice - Integer - The integer of the gasPrice used for paid gas
value - Integer - The integer of the value sent with this transaction
data - String - The has of the method signature and encoded parameters
blockReference - String - Required - The block number in hexadecimal format, the block hash, or tags: "earliest", "latest" or "pending".
object - Object (Optional) - The tracer object with the following fields:
tracer - String - The type of tracer, options are: callTracer or prestateTracer.
callTracer - String - The callTracer keeps track of all call frames, including depth - calls, that are made during a transaction.
prestateTracer - String - The prestateTracer replays the transaction and tracks every part of state that occurred during the transaction.
tracerConfig - Object (Optional) - The object to specify the configurations of the tracer.
onlyTopCall - Boolean - When set to true, this will only trace the primary (top-level) call and not any sub-calls. It eliminates the additional processing for each call frame.
result - An object with the result of the trace, containing:
gas - The integer of the total consumed gas in the transaction.
failed - A boolean to indicate whether the transaction was successful or not.
returnValue - The return value of the executed contract call.
structLogs - An array of the trace result of each step with the following fields:
pc - The current index in bytecode.
op - The name of the current executing operation.
gas - The available gas in the execution.
gasCost - The gas cost of the operation.
depth - The number of levels of calling functions.
error - The error of the execution.
stack - An array of values in the current stack.
memory - An array of values in the current memory.
storage - The mapping of the current storage.
refund - Total total value of the current refund value.
object - Object - Required - The tracer object with the following fields:
tracer - String - The type of tracer, options are: callTracer orprestateTracer.
callTracer - String - The callTracer keeps track of all call frames, including depth - calls, that are made during a transaction.
prestateTracer - String - The prestateTracer replays the transaction and tracks every part of state that occurred during the transaction.
tracerConfig - Object (Optional) - The object to specify the configurations of the tracer.
onlyTopCall - Boolean - When set to true, this will only trace the primary (top-level) call and not any sub-calls. It eliminates the additional processing for each call frame.
result - An array of transactions for that block, each containing:
txHash - The transaction hash of the transaction
from - The address the transaction is sent from.
gas - The integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution.
gasUsed - The integer of the gas used.
to - The address the transaction is directed to.
input - The data given at the time of input.
value - The integer of the value sent with this transaction.
blockNumber - String - Required - The block number as a string in hexadecimal format.
object - Object - Required - The tracer object with the following fields:
tracer - String - The type of tracer, options are: callTracer orprestateTracer.
callTracer - String - The callTracer keeps track of all call frames, including depth - calls, that are made during a transaction.
prestateTracer - String - The prestateTracer replays the transaction and tracks every part of state that occurred during the transaction.
tracerConfig - Object (Optional) - The object to specify the configurations of the tracer.
onlyTopCall - Boolean - When set to true, this will only trace the primary (top-level) call and not any sub-calls. It eliminates the additional processing for each call frame.
result - An array of transactions for that block, each containing:
txHash - The transaction hash of the transaction
from - The address the transaction is sent from.
gas - The integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution.
gasUsed - The integer of the gas used.
to - The address the transaction is directed to.
input - The data given at the time of input.
value - The integer of the value sent with this transaction.
transactionHash - String - Required - The transaction hash to be traced.
object - Object - Required - The tracer object with the following fields:
tracer - String - The type of tracer, options are: callTracer or prestateTracer.
callTracer - String - The callTracer keeps track of all call frames, including depth - calls, that are made during a transaction.
prestateTracer - String - The prestateTracer replays the transaction and tracks every part of state that occurred during the transaction.
tracerConfig - Object (Optional) - The object to specify the configurations of the tracer.
onlyTopCall - Boolean - When set to true, this will only trace the primary (top-level) call and not any sub-calls. It eliminates the additional processing for each call frame.
timeout - String (Optional) - A string of decimal integers that overrides the JavaScript-based tracing calls default timeout of 5 seconds. Example: 10s for 10 seconds.
result - An object with the result of the trace, containing:
from - The address the transaction is sent from.
gas - The integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution.
gasUsed - The integer of the gas used.
to - The address the transaction is directed to.
input - The data given at the time of input.
value - The integer of the value sent with this transaction.