Users interact with the Stellar network through accounts. Everything else in the ledger—assets, offers, trustlines, etc.—are owned by accounts, and accounts must authorize all changes to the ledger through signed transactions.
Learn more about accounts.
The single account endpoint provides information on a specific account. The balances section in the response will also list all the trustlines this account has established, including trustlines that haven’t been authorized yet.
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This endpoint represents successful operations for a given account and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new operations for this account as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known operation unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream operations created since your request time.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint lists accounts by one of four filters : signer, asset, liquidity pool or sponsor.
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Assets are representations of value issued on the Stellar network. An asset consists of a type, code, and issuer.
Learn more about assets.
A Claimable Balance represents the transfer of ownership of some amount of an asset. Claimable balances provide a mechanism for setting up a payment which can be claimed in the future. This allows you to make payments to accounts which are currently not able to accept them.
Effects represent specific changes that occur in the ledger as a result of successful operations, but are not necessarily directly reflected in the ledger or history, as transactions and operations are.
This endpoint represents successful payments for a given account and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new payments for this account as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known payment unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream payments created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint returns the effects of a specific account and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new effects for this account as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known effect unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream effects created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint represents successful transactions for a given account and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new transactions for this account as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known transaction unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream transactions created since your request time.
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Compute Units.
The single claimable balance endpoint provides information on a claimable balance.
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This endpoint represents successful operations referencing a given claimable balance and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new operations referencing this claimable balance as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known operation unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream operations created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint represents all offers a given account has currently open and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new offers for this account as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known offer unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream offers created since your request time.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint lists all available claimable balances.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint represents successful transactions referencing a given claimable balance and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new transactions referencing this claimable balance as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known transaction unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream transactions created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint lists all ledgers and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new ledgers as they close. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known ledger unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream ledgers since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint represents a single data for a given account.
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This endpoint represents all trades for a given account and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for trades for this account as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known trade unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream trades created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
The single ledger endpoint provides information on a specific ledger.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint returns all payment-related operations in a specific ledger. Operation types that can be returned by this endpoint include: create_account, payment, path_payment, and account_merge.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint returns the effects of a specific ledger.
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Compute Units.
Liquidity Pools provide a simple, non-interactive way to trade large amounts of capital and enable high volumes of trading.
There are eight groups of effect types. Each effect type has its own set of attributes.
Account Created
Account Removed
Account Credited
create_account, payment, path_payment, merge_account
Account Debited
create_account, payment, path_payment, merge_account
Account Thresholds Updated
Account Home Domain Updated
Account Flags Updated
Account Inflation Destination Updated
Signer Created
Signer Removed
Signer Updated
Trustline Created
Trustline Removed
Trustline Updated
change_trust, allow_trust
Trustline Authorized
Trustline Deauthorized
Offer Created
manage_buy_offer, manage_sell_offer, create_passive_sell_offer
Offer Removed
manage_buy_offer, manage_sell_offer, create_passive_sell_offer, path_payment
Offer Updated
manage_buy_offer, manage_sell_offer, create_passive_sell_offer, path_payment
manage_buy_offer, manage_sell_offer, create_passive_sell_offer, path_payment
Data Created
Data Removed
Data Updated
Claimable Balance Created
Claimable Balance Claimant Created
Claimable Balance Claimed
Account Sponsorship Created
Account Sponsorship Updated
Account Sponsorship Removed
Trustline Sponsorship Created
Trustline Sponsorship Updated
Trustline Sponsorship Removed
Account Data Sponsorship Created
Account Data Sponsorship Updated
Account Data Sponsorship Removed
Claimable Balance Sponsorship Created
Claimable Balance Sponsorship Updated
Claimable Balance Sponsorship Removed
Account Signer Sponsorship Created
Account Signer Sponsorship Updated
Account Signer Sponsorship Removed
Liquidity Pool Created
Liquidity Pool Removed
Liquidity Pool Revoked
change_trust, allow_trust
Liquidity Pool Deposited
Liquidity Pool Withdraw
Liquidity Pool Trade
Sequence Bumped
This endpoint lists all available liquidity pools.
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Compute Units.
The single liquidity pool endpoint provides information on a liquidity pool.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint returns successful operations in a specific ledger.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint represents successful transactions in a given ledger.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint lists all effects and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new effects as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known effect unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream effects created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint represents effects referencing a given liquidity pool and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new effects referencing this liquidity pool as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known effect unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream effects created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint represents successful trades fulfilled by the given liquidity pool and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new trades referencing this liquidity pool as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known trade unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream trade created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint lists all currently open offers and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new offers as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known offer unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream offers created since your request time. When filtering by buying or selling arguments, you must use a combination of selling_asset_type, selling_asset_issuer, and selling_asset_code for the selling asset, or a combination of buying_asset_type, buying_asset_issuer, and buying_asset_code for the buying asset.
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Offers are statements about how much of an asset an account wants to buy or sell.
Learn more about .
This endpoint represents successful operations referencing a given liquidity pool and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new operations referencing this liquidity pool as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known operation unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream operations created since your request time.
This method will use 20
This endpoint represents successful transactions referencing a given liquidity pool and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new transactions referencing this liquidity pool as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known transaction unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream transactions created since your request time.
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This endpoint represents all trades for a given offer and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for trades for this offer as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known trade unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream trades created since your request time.
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Each ledger stores the state of the network at a point in time and contains all the changes - transactions, operations, effects, etc. - to that state.
Learn more about ledgers.
This endpoint lists all Successful payment-related operations and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new payments as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known payment unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream payments created since your request time. Operations that can be returned by this endpoint include: create_account, payment, path_payment_strict_recieve, path_payment_strict_send, and account_merge .
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Compute Units.
Operations are objects that represent a desired change to the ledger: payments, offers to exchange currency, changes made to account options, etc. Operations are submitted to the Stellar network grouped in a Transaction.
Each of Stellar’s operations have a unique operation object.
When an offer is fully or partially fulfilled, a trade happens. Trades can also be caused by successful path payments, because path payments involve fulfilling offers.
A trade occurs between two parties—base
and counter
. Which is which is either arbitrary or determined by the calling query.
Learn more about trades.
This endpoint returns Successful operations for a specific transaction.
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Compute Units.
This endpoint lists all Successful operations and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new operations as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known operation unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream operations created since your request time.
This method will use 20
Compute Units.
This endpoint lists all trades and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new trades as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known trade unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream trades created since your request time. When filtering for a specific orderbook, you must use use all six of these arguments: base_asset_type, base_asset_issuer, base_asset_code, counter_asset_type, counter_asset_issuer, and counter_asset_code. If the base or counter asset is XLM, you only need to indicate the asset type as native and do not need to designate the code or the issuer.
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Transactions are commands that modify the ledger state and consist of one or more operations.
Learn more about transactions.
This endpoint lists all Successful transactions and can be used in streaming mode. Streaming mode allows you to listen for new transactions as they are added to the Stellar ledger. If called in streaming mode, Horizon will start at the earliest known transaction unless a cursor is set, in which case it will start from that cursor. By setting the cursor value to now, you can stream transactions created since your request time.
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This endpoint actually submits a transaction to the Stellar network. It only takes a single, required parameter: the signed transaction. Refer to the Transactions page for details on how to craft a proper one. If you submit a transaction that has already been included in a ledger, this endpoint will return the same response as would’ve been returned for the original transaction submission. This allows for safe resubmission of transactions in error scenarios, as highlighted in the error-handling guide.
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