Get the contract actions from a contract on the network for a given transactionId or ethereum transaction hash.
This method will use 15
Compute Units.
Returns a list of ContractActions for a contract's function executions for a given transactionId or ethereum transaction hash.
Transaction Id or a 32 byte hash with optional 0x prefix
The index of a contract action
The maximum number of items to return
The order in which items are listed
The nesting depth of the call
The type of the call operation
The type of the call
Network entity ID in the format of shard.realm.num
The entity type of the caller
The EVM address of the caller
Gas cost in tinybars
Gas used in tinybars
The position of the action within the ordered list of actions
The hex encoded input data
Network entity ID in the format of shard.realm.num
The entity type of the recipient
The hex encoded result data
The type of the result data
A network entity encoded as an EVM address in hex.
The value of the transaction in tinybars