This endpoint returns events emitted to the account matching a given event type.
This method will use 30
Compute Units.
This API uses the given account address
, eventHandle
, and fieldName
to build a key that can globally identify an event types. It then uses this
key to return events emitted to the given account matching that event type.
A hex encoded 32 byte Aptos account address.
This is represented in a string as a 64 character hex string, sometimes shortened by stripping leading 0s, and adding a 0x.
For example, address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is represented as 0x1.
"0x88fbd33f54e1126269769780feb24480428179f552e2313fbe571b72e62a1ca1 "
String representation of a MoveStructTag (on-chain Move struct type). This exists so you can specify MoveStructTags as path / query parameters, e.g. for get_events_by_event_handle.
It is a combination of:
, module_name
and struct_name
, all joined by ::
struct generic type parameters
joined by ,
See doc for more details.
Name of field to lookup event handle e.g. withdraw_events
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
Max number of events to retrieve.
If unspecified, defaults to default page size
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A hex encoded 32 byte Aptos account address.
This is represented in a string as a 64 character hex string, sometimes shortened by stripping leading 0s, and adding a 0x.
For example, address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is represented as 0x1.
"0x88fbd33f54e1126269769780feb24480428179f552e2313fbe571b72e62a1ca1 "
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
String representation of an on-chain Move type tag that is exposed in transaction payload.
- bool
- u8
- u16
- u32
- u64
- u128
- u256
- address
- signer
- vector: vector<{non-reference MoveTypeId}>
- struct: {address}::{module_name}::{struct_name}::<{generic types}>
Vector type value examples:
- `vector<u8>`
- `vector<vector<u64>>`
- `vector<0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>`
Struct type value examples:
- `0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>
- `0x1::account::Account`
1. Empty chars should be ignored when comparing 2 struct tag ids.
2. When used in an URL path, should be encoded by url-encoding (AKA percent-encoding).
The JSON representation of the event