
Supported JSON-RPC methods for Avalanche mainnet and fuji testnet.

Contract Chain (C-Chain):

The Contract Chain is the default smart contract blockchain on Avalanche and enables the creation of any Ethereum-compatible smart contracts. This blockchain is for applications that require total ordering (for faster asset transfers or any other commutative application, use the Exchange Chain). The Contract Chain implements the Snowman consensus protocol.

The trailing endpoint for C-Chain calls is:

To interact with C-Chain via the JSON-RPC endpoint via HTTPS:
/ext/bc/C/rpc (for all eth_ methods)
/ext/bc/C/avax (for all avax. methods)

To interact with C-Chain via the JSON-RPC endpoint via Websocket:

To interact with other instances of the EVM via the JSON-RPC endpoint:

(where "blockchainID" is the ID of the EVM chain)

Last updated