
List the current validators of the given Subnet.

This method will use 10 Compute Units.

Reference: Here


  • subnetID - string - (optional) The subnet whose current validators are returned. If omitted, returns the current validators of the Primary Network

  • nodeIDs - string - (optional) A list of the nodeIDs of pending validators to request. If omitted, all pending validators are returned. If a specified nodeID is not in the set of pending validators, it will not be included in the response


  • subnetID is the Subnet whose current validators are returned. If omitted, returns the current validators of the Primary Network.

  • nodeIDs is a list of the NodeIDs of current validators to request. If omitted, all current validators are returned. If a specified NodeID is not in the set of current validators, it will not be included in the response.

  • validators:

    • txID is the validator transaction.

    • startTime is the Unix time when the validator starts validating the Subnet.

    • endTime is the Unix time when the validator stops validating the Subnet.

    • stakeAmount is the amount of tokens this validator staked. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet.

    • nodeID is the validator’s node ID.

    • weight is the validator’s weight when sampling validators. Omitted if subnetID is a PoS Subnet.

    • validationRewardOwner is an OutputOwners output which includes locktime, threshold and array of addresses. Specifies the owner of the potential reward earned from staking. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet.

    • delegationRewardOwner is an OutputOwners output which includes locktime, threshold and array of addresses. Specifies the owner of the potential reward earned from delegations. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet.

    • potentialReward is the potential reward earned from staking. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet.

    • delegationFeeRate is the percent fee this validator charges when others delegate stake to them. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet.

    • uptime is the % of time the queried node has reported the peer as online and validating the Subnet.

    • connected is if the node is connected and tracks the Subnet.

    • signer is the node's BLS public key and proof of possession. Omitted if the validator doesn't have a BLS public key.

    • delegatorCount is the number of delegators on this validator. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet.

    • delegatorWeight is total weight of delegators on this validator. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet.

    • delegators is the list of delegators to this validator. Omitted if subnetID is not a PoS Subnet. Omitted unless nodeIDs specifies a single NodeID.

      • txID is the delegator transaction.

      • startTime is the Unix time when the delegator started.

      • endTime is the Unix time when the delegator stops.

      • stakeAmount is the amount of nAVAX this delegator staked.

      • nodeID is the validating node’s node ID.

      • rewardOwner is an OutputOwners output which includes locktime, threshold and array of addresses.

      • potentialReward is the potential reward earned from staking

// Result
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "validators": [
        "txID": "2NNkpYTGfTFLSGXJcHtVv6drwVU2cczhmjK2uhvwDyxwsjzZMm",
        "startTime": "1600368632",
        "endTime": "1602960455",
        "stakeAmount": "2000000000000",
        "nodeID": "NodeID-5mb46qkSBj81k9g9e4VFjGGSbaaSLFRzD",
        "validationRewardOwner": {
          "locktime": "0",
          "threshold": "1",
          "addresses": ["P-avax18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5ukulre5"]
        "delegationRewardOwner": {
          "locktime": "0",
          "threshold": "1",
          "addresses": ["P-avax18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5ukulre5"]
        "potentialReward": "117431493426",
        "delegationFee": "10.0000",
        "uptime": "0.0000",
        "connected": false,
        "delegatorCount": "1",
        "delegatorWeight": "25000000000",
        "delegators": [
            "txID": "Bbai8nzGVcyn2VmeYcbS74zfjJLjDacGNVuzuvAQkHn1uWfoV",
            "startTime": "1600368523",
            "endTime": "1602960342",
            "stakeAmount": "25000000000",
            "nodeID": "NodeID-5mb46qkSBj81k9g9e4VFjGGSbaaSLFRzD",
            "rewardOwner": {
              "locktime": "0",
              "threshold": "1",
              "addresses": ["P-avax18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5ukulre5"]
            "potentialReward": "11743144774"
  "id": 1
curl<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>/ext/bc/P \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "platform.getCurrentValidators",
    "params": {
      "nodeIDs": ["NodeID-5mb46qkSBj81k9g9e4VFjGGSbaaSLFRzD"]
    "id": 1

Last updated

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