List schedules entities
This method will use 15 Compute Units.
Last updated 8 months ago
Lists schedules on the network that govern the execution logic of scheduled transactions. This includes executed and non executed schedules.
const response = await fetch('', { method: 'GET', headers: {}, }); const data = await response.json();
{ "schedules": [ { "admin_key": { "_type": "ProtobufEncoded", "key": 10101 }, "consensus_timestamp": "1586567700.453054000", "creator_account_id": "0.1.2", "deleted": false, "executed_timestamp": "1586567700.453054000", "expiration_time": "1586567700.453054000", "memo": "created on 02/10/2021", "payer_account_id": "0.1.2", "schedule_id": "0.1.2", "signatures": [ { "consensus_timestamp": "1586567700.453054000", "public_key_prefix": "AAEBAwuqAwzB", "signature": "3q2+7wABAQMLqgMMwQ==", "type": "ED25519" } ], "transaction_body": "Kd6tvu8=", "wait_for_expiry": false } ], "links": { "next": "/api/v1/transactions?timestamp=lt:1657598275.517984411" } }