
Returns an array of all logs matching filter with given id.

This method will use 70 Compute Units.

Reference: Here


QUANTITY - the filter id.

  "0x16", // 22


Array - Array of log objects, or an empty array if nothing has changed since last poll.

  • For filters created with eth_newBlockFilter the return are block hashes (DATA, 32 Bytes), e.g. ["0x3454645634534..."].

  • For filters created with eth_newPendingTransactionFilter the return are transaction hashes (DATA, 32 Bytes), e.g. ["0x6345343454645..."].

  • For filters created with eth_newFilter logs are objects with following params:

    • removed: TAG - true when the log was removed, due to a chain reorganization. false if its a valid log.

    • logIndex: QUANTITY - integer of the log index position in the block. null when its pending log.

    • transactionIndex: QUANTITY - integer of the transactions index position log was created from. null when its pending log.

    • transactionHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the transactions this log was created from. null when its pending log.

    • blockHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the block where this log was in. null when its pending. null when its pending log.

    • blockNumber: QUANTITY - the block number where this log was in. null when its pending. null when its pending log.

    • address: DATA, 20 Bytes - address from which this log originated.

    • data: DATA - contains one or more 32 Bytes non-indexed arguments of the log.

    • topics: Array of DATA - Array of 0 to 4 32 Bytes DATA of indexed log arguments. (In solidity: The first topic is the hash of the signature of the event (e.g. Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256)), except you declared the event with the anonymous specifier.)

// Result
  "result": [{
    "logIndex": "0x1", // 1
    "blockNumber":"0x1b4", // 436
    "blockHash": "0x8216c5785ac562ff41e2dcfdf5785ac562ff41e2dcfdf829c5a142f1fccd7d",
    "transactionHash":  "0xdf829c5a142f1fccd7d8216c5785ac562ff41e2dcfdf5785ac562ff41e2dcf",
    "transactionIndex": "0x0", // 0
    "address": "0x16c5785ac562ff41e2dcfdf829c5a142f1fccd7d",
    "topics": ["0x59ebeb90bc63057b6515673c3ecf9438e5058bca0f92585014eced636878c9a5"]
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getFilterLogs","params":["0x16"],"id":74}'

Last updated