
Returns confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed block.

This method will use 30 Compute Units.


  • account_address string Required. The account address encoded as base-58 string.

  • object optional. Configuration object containing the following fields:

    • limit integer. The maximum number of transaction signatures to return (between 1 and 1000). The default value is 1000.

    • before string. Start searching backward from this transaction signature. If not provided, the search starts from the top of the highest max confirmed block.

    • until string. Searches until this transaction signature, if found before limit reached.

    • commitment string. The level of commitment required for the query. The options include:

      • finalized string.

        • The node will query the most recent block confirmed by the supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized.

      • confirmed string.

        • The node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by the supermajority of the cluster.

      • processed string.

        • The node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may not be complete.

    • minContextSlot integer. The minimum slot at which the request can be evaluated.


result A JSON object with the following fields:

  • blockTime The estimated production time, as Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch). Null if not available.

  • confirmationStatus The transaction's cluster confirmation status. The status can either be processed, confirmed, or finalized.

  • err Error code if the transaction failed or null if the transaction succeeds.

  • memo The memo associated with the transaction and null if no memo is present.

  • signature The base58-encoded signature of the transaction.

  • slot The slot number in which the transaction was confirmed.

// Result
	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
	"result": [
			"blockTime": 1739363435,
			"confirmationStatus": "finalized",
			"err": null,
			"memo": null,
			"signature": "4pKs9CG8nJu3eSxFChC3LqrB82cuYjUvcqEdzFUoth7hM8wKSnrGZvGokk1zVXSbviJny2vCivGi7C7JB9DSFiP3",
			"slot": 320162126
	"id": 1
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "getSignaturesForAddress",
    "params": [
        "limit": 1

Last updated

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