
Gets a transaction by its ID. Optional encoding parameter to specify the format for the returned transaction. Can only be hex when a value is provided.

This method will use 10 Compute Units.

Reference: Here


  • txID - string - The transaction ID in hex format.

  • encoding - string - (optional) The encoding format to use. Can only be hex when a value is provided.


  • tx - string - The transaction encoded to encoding.

  • encoding - string - The encoding format.

  • blockHeight - string - The height of the block which the transaction was included in.

// Result
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "tx": "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",
    "encoding": "hex",
    "blockHeight": "1"
  "id": 1
curl https://mainnet.avalanche.validationcloud.io/v1/<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>/ext/bc/C/avax \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
    "id"     :1,
    "method" :"avax.getAtomicTx",
    "params" :{
        "encoding": "hex"

Last updated