Get Contract Result by ID or Hash
Get the contract result from a contract on the network for a given transactionId or ethereum transaction hash.
This method will use 15
Compute Units.
Last updated
Get the contract result from a contract on the network for a given transactionId or ethereum transaction hash.
This method will use 15
Compute Units.
Last updated
Returns a single ContractResult for a contract's function executions for a given transactionId or ethereum transaction hash.
Transaction Id or a 32 byte hash with optional 0x prefix
The hex encoded access_list of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded evm address of contract
The number of tinybars sent to the function
The total amount of gas used in the block
The hex encoded block (record file chain) hash
The block height calculated as the number of record files starting from zero since network start.
The hex encoded result returned by the function
The hex encoded chain_id of the wrapped ethereum transaction
Network entity ID in the format of shard.realm.num
The list of smart contracts that were created by the function call.
The message when an error occurs during smart contract execution
"Out of gas"
The hex encoded initcode of a failed contract create transaction
A network entity encoded as an EVM address in hex.
The hex encoded parameters passed to the function
The maximum units of gas allowed for contract execution
The hex encoded gas_price of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The units of gas used to execute contract
A hex encoded 32 byte hash and it is only populated for Ethereum transaction case
The hex encoded max_fee_per_gas of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded max_priority_fee_per_gas of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The nonce of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded signature_r of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The result of the transaction
The hex encoded signature_s of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The status of the transaction, 0x1 for a SUCCESS transaction and 0x0 for all else
A network entity encoded as an EVM address in hex.
The position of the transaction in the block
The type of the wrapped ethereum transaction, 0 (Pre-Eip1559) or 2 (Post-Eip1559)
The recovery_id of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded access_list of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded evm address of contract
The total amount of gas used in the block
The hex encoded block (record file chain) hash
The block height calculated as the number of record files starting from zero since network start.
The hex encoded chain_id of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded initcode of a failed contract create transaction
The hex encoded gas_price of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded transaction hash
The hex encoded max_fee_per_gas of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded max_priority_fee_per_gas of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The nonce of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded signature_r of the wrapped ethereum transaction
The hex encoded signature_s of the wrapped ethereum transaction