
Returns the possible tracing result number by executing all transactions in the block specified by the block hash with a tracer.

This method will use 40 Compute Units.


blockHash - String - Required - The block hash.

object - Object - Required - The tracer object with the following fields:

  • tracer - String - The type of tracer, options are: callTracer ,prestateTracer or flatCallTracer.

    • callTracer - String - The callTracer keeps track of all call frames, including depth - calls, that are made during a transaction.

    • prestateTracer - String - The prestateTracer replays the transaction and tracks every part of state that occurred during the transaction.

    • flatCallTracer - String - The flatCallTracer is a specific type of tracer that provides a flattened view of all calls made during transaction execution. It offers a simplified output compared to the standard callTracer, making it easier to analyze complex transactions.


result - An array of transactions for that block, each containing:

  • txHash - The transaction hash of the transaction

  • from - The address the transaction is sent from.

  • gas - The integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution.

  • gasUsed - The integer of the gas used.

  • to - The address the transaction is directed to.

  • input - The data given at the time of input.

  • value - The integer of the value sent with this transaction.

  • type - The type of call.

// Result
	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
	"result": [
			"txHash": "0xb4c221c56e1e04d3168195baa02f2d8e83f1526ec12b4fa2760dc319d8de1a0c",
			"result": [
					"action": {
						"callType": "call",
						"from": "0xdeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddead0001",
						"gas": "0xf4240",
						"input": "0x440a5e20000109a00009fe9800000000000000020000000066cef4f3000000000295d146000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012a05f20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012c8a46cadde9f088e5609d2a1e6abfd050181285c470b27ee97307f8c8ee2b580000000000000000000000001fd6a75cc72f39147756a663f3ef1fc95ef89495",
						"to": "0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000015",
						"value": "0x0"
					"blockHash": "0x841e2c40b27f3a95324528643a2dc18748d161d7cf5476b11a1f92f2b26732c7",
					"blockNumber": 37960700,
					"result": {
						"gasUsed": "0xab4b",
						"output": "0x"
					"subtraces": 1,
					"traceAddress": [],
					"transactionHash": "0xb4c221c56e1e04d3168195baa02f2d8e83f1526ec12b4fa2760dc319d8de1a0c",
					"transactionPosition": 0,
					"type": "call"
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"debug_traceBlockByHash","params":["0x455fbfb6107d8b41acefa39631f98e6e63ec2518b8d396d86afa8ddd80fa339e", {"tracer": "flatCallTracer"}],"id":1}'

Last updated

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