Base is a Layer 2 network that operates on top of Ethereum's architecture. It is designed to be EVM equivalent and as close to Ethereum as possible.
The minor differences between building on Base and Ethereum are outlined in Base's developer docs.
Network Support
Network | HTTPS | WSS |
Mainnet | ✅ | ✅ |
Methods & Compute Units
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_call | 30 |
eth_chainId | 5 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_gasPrice | 20 |
eth_getBalance | 20 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 30 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 20 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 20 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 20 |
eth_getCode | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 70 |
eth_getLogs | 80 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 20 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 30 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 20 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 270 |
eth_subscribe | 10 |
eth_syncing | 5 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_unsubscribe | 10 |
net_listening | 5 |
net_peerCount | 10 |
net_version | 5 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
web3_sha3 | 10 |
txpool_content | 5000 |
Last updated