
Returns currency rate for the specified currency and date.

This method will use 10 Compute Units.

Reference: Here

GET /api/v2/tickers/[?currency=<currency>&timestamp=<timestamp>]


The optional query parameters:

currency- string, optional.

specifies a currency of returned rate ("usd", "eur", "eth"...). If not specified, all available currencies will be returned.

timestamp- string, optional.

a Unix timestamp, e.g. 1704070861 , that specifies a date to return currency rates for. If not specified, the last available rate will be returned.


Example response (no parameters)

	"ts": 1715202907,
	"rates": {
		"aed": 225719,
		"ars": 54183236,
		"aud": 93418,
		"bdt": 6746218,
		"bhd": 23166,
		"bmd": 61454,
		"brl": 312906,
		"btc": 1,
		"cad": 84335,
		"chf": 55782,
		"clp": 57470384,
		"cny": 444013,
		"czk": 1431616,
		"dkk": 426517,
		"eth": 20.883776,
		"eur": 57180,
		"gbp": 49183,
		"hkd": 480538,
		"huf": 22229838,
		"idr": 987428100,
		"ils": 228138,
		"inr": 5129526,
		"jpy": 9553091,
		"krw": 83890250,
		"kwd": 18900.92,
		"lkr": 18456228,
		"mmk": 129085460,
		"mxn": 1038877,
		"myr": 291447,
		"ngn": 86472640,
		"nok": 670323,
		"nzd": 102381,
		"php": 3526397,
		"pkr": 17096138,
		"pln": 245996,
		"rub": 5638003,
		"sar": 230485,
		"sek": 670115,
		"sgd": 83328,
		"thb": 2269721,
		"try": 1982182,
		"twd": 1989857,
		"uah": 2422187,
		"usd": 61454,
		"vef": 6153.41,
		"vnd": 1562925600,
		"zar": 1140179

curl https://mainnet.bitcoin.validationcloud.io/v1/<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>/api/v2/tickers \
 -X GET \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Last updated

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